If you’ve ever wondered whether or not your children are being influenced by political forces that may not be in harmony with your own, look no further than the YouTube channel used by over 1600 school districts in America. The channel is called BrainPop. The channel is the brainchild of Dr Avraham Kadar, Anthony Fauci’s protege from the early days of the AIDS crisis in the ’80s at the NIH.

BrainPop is designed for kids in fourth grade and up. Lessons begin with a brief animated video and include a wide variety of school- and life-related topics, some that are difficult including lessons on terrorism, war, sexual reproduction, and alcoholism.

But political issues such as Planned Parenthood, the Right to Life, the NRA or Black Lives Matter, none of those have a place inside the public school system. They cause division and cause distraction. But America’s K-12 schools see it a differently.


The channel invites Dr Fauci on as a regular guest so he can tell the kids at school that their parents are anti-science knuckle-draggers if they disagree with Dr Science himself. In the video below, Fauci tells the kids to go home and tell their parents that if they go out to dinner with friends or anything else social that it might kill people. He instructs the kids to tell their parents how thoughtless they are and how they are staying home whether they like it or not. And in his closing remarks, he tells all the kids that they’re definitely getting vaccinated.

Many parents find BrainPop too intrusive and innappropriate when discussing topics as personal hygiene and “washing your privates,” as found in the video below:

BrainPop also programs kids in the areas of understanding the physical differences between men and women. I guess it’s too much to ask for them not to pontificate on the acceptance of transgenders.

Another concern is the lack of any pride in the USA. There are flags and insignia throughout the videos, but they all have an eastern flavor. And though politics and religion are illegal to teach in schools, they don’t mind teaching eastern religious practices such as “mindfullness” and “yoga.”

To make matters worse, there is an entire catalog about how racist their country and forefathers were.